Call 936.277.0109 to schedule an appointment or for more information.
At MedMark Treatment Centers in Center, we recognize the challenges of battling opioid addiction. That's why we extend a supportive hand to those in need.
Our opioid treatment program (OTP) is tailored to your specific requirements, providing a personalized approach to recovery. Our services are available to individuals grappling with fentanyl, heroin, prescription drug, or other types of opioid dependencies.
Allow us to accompany you on your path to recovery.
Here at MedMark Treatment Centers in Center, we empathize with the struggles encountered by individuals battling opioid addiction.
Our team provides medication-assisted treatment (MAT) as a means of aiding recovery. Methadone is among the medications utilized in MAT, which can alleviate withdrawal symptoms and curb cravings, enabling individuals to concentrate on other facets of their healing process.
We trust that this treatment modality can serve as a beneficial tool in your journey toward recovery.
MedMark Treatment Centers in Center provides medication-assisted treatment (MAT), which incorporates buprenorphine as a therapeutic option.
Buprenorphine assists individuals contending with opioid addiction in managing the physical manifestations of their condition. We recognize that recovery is an all-around process – that’s why we strive to deliver a comprehensive approach to treatment.
In conjunction with medications, we offer counseling and additional supportive services to help individuals stay on course toward a more fulfilling life.
At MedMark Treatment Centers in Center, we offer individual counseling sessions to aid in comprehending addiction and the difficulties that may contribute to it.
Our experienced counselors are available to impart techniques to resist drug usage during challenging times, thereby avoiding any relapses. Moreover, our counselors assist in addressing past traumas, rebuilding connections with loved ones, and crafting personalized plans for the future to facilitate recovery.
Our compassionate MedMark Treatment Centers in Center counselors provide a supportive environment for individuals to share their recovery journey with others who have encountered similar challenges.
Group counseling furnishes a supportive community of peers that can assist in overcoming obstacles in treatment, adhering to personal objectives, and alleviating feelings of isolation during the recovery process.
MedMark Treatment Centers in Center recognizes the negative impact of opioids on all aspects of life and is committed to offering assistance through the following services:
Learn more about how these services can promote your overall well-being and holistic care.
Our expertise in medication assisted treatment allows us to tailor our services to meet the specific needs of our patients, addressing the unique challenges they face in their recovery.
Please bring your valid ID and insurance card to expedite the intake process.
We will conduct a thorough assessment, discussing your medical history and current health, to create a personalized treatment plan that best meets your unique needs to achieve recovery.
To begin our program, simply contact us by phone or visit our treatment center to schedule your first appointment. During your initial visit, you will receive a comprehensive evaluation to determine the best treatment plan for you.
Please bring your valid ID, your insurance card, and a list of any medications you are currently taking. If you have access to them, any relevant medical records related to previous addiction treatment would also be helpful.
Our program is distinguished by its personalized approach to medication assisted treatment and our focus on offering comprehensive support services that address the physical and psychological aspects of opioid addiction.
The duration of your program will depend on your individual needs and recovery goals. Treatment may range from several months to more than a year, but our medical team will work with you to determine the appropriate length.
Yes, we welcome patients transferring from other treatment centers. Our medical team will coordinate with your previous treatment provider to ensure you experience a smooth transition of your care.
Call 936.277.0109 to schedule an appointment or for more information.
Mon – Fri: | 4:45 am – 9:30 am |
Sat – Sun: | 5:30 am – 7:30 am |
Sun: | Closed |
Holiday: | Closed |
Mon – Fri: | 4:45 am – 12:00 pm |
Sat – Sun: | 5:30 am – 7:30 am |
Sun: | Closed |
Holiday: | Closed |
Self-Pay options available.
For Veterans, we’re part of the VA Community Care Network through Optum and TriWest at many locations, subject to prior authorization.
Please call us to confirm your coverage and get detailed information tailored to your needs.