Couples Drug Rehab

Why shouldn’t a couple of people who share love and everything else—including their drugs and needles—decide to go into couples drug rehab together? There are significant dynamics that come into play that can make the difference between success and failure. Couples in opioid treatment can provide the support to each other that is such a necessary part of recovery, but things don’t always go so smoothly for them.

Strangely enough, when two people decide to work on opiate recoverytogether, they don’t always manage to provide the same level of support to one another—at least initially. First, there is always the problem that the person who comes up with the idea of going into treatment is more committed than the partner he drags into treatment, at least initially. If that second partner relapses, chances are good that the first one will topple over domino-style.

What To Expect During Couples Drug Rehab

Most 12-step group leaders encourage couples to find different home groups. Although they can visit one another’s groups from time to time, it’s important to maintain focus on their own recovery first. If one partner relapses, the other one might soon follow. However, if the other one has developed his own support group, he might very well be able to lift his partner back into recovery.

Treatment professionals at methadone clinics support a couple’s decision to go into opioid treatment together, but each one receives individualized counseling. Once they are both in treatment, they must face their own issues, the very problems that took them down that dark journey into addiction. So, although couples in opioid treatment together believe they will be their own best cheerleaders, they often lose sight of their good intentions because each person must deal with individual demons.

Couples often give in to the temptation to share doses. If someone has a take-home dose, the risk is high that he will share it with his partner who runs out of methadone.

Some couples just can’t afford the cost of treatment for both of them. The cost of the drug is what it is, and the insurance companies aren’t about to offer any easy answers for that problem.

Ultimately, couples who stick with treatment over the long term manage to forge better and longer-lasting relationships. So we say go into opioid treatment together, but with eyes—all four of them—wide open.

Contact Us Today to Get Started
If opioid addiction is impacting your life or the life of someone you care about, reach out to MedMark Treatment Centers for convenient care. We are here to provide the support you need to take the first step on the path to recovery.

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